The Top 5 Truths about counseling, therapy, or psychotherapy in Ogden, UT


So, you did all the research and found a therapist in Ogden, UT. You pushed aside doubts and read the myths blog, and you took the step - You went to your first appointment! Your therapist seemed nice enough, and you feel confident. After some time, you are now thinking, "What are the truths about counseling." You feel a bit better after talking and releasing some emotions you have been carrying around. And now you want to know the truths about therapy. Let me walk you through my top five facts about counseling.

Therapy does work –

Yes, we all know one person who went to therapy, had a bad experience and tells the world that counseling does not work. Let's think about that for a second. Therapists are human, and not every therapist jives well with a client. If you went to a doctor and had a bad experience, you would find a new doctor. You rarely hear a denouncement of the whole industry. Plenty of research shows the efficacy of therapy, and the results are in – therapy does work! Therapy helps with awareness, and many therapies teach skills that will leave you with long-term healthy coping strategies.

You get out of therapy what you put in –

Every therapist has to consider what approach will work best for which client because every person has a different circumstance. Therapists will provide suggestions on different coping strategies or give specific assignments. Some of these suggestions will stick, and others will not. If they do not work, be honest with your therapist so your therapist can adjust accordingly. If you did not use the strategy or do the assignment, talk about what happened and why you did not. Clients who are transparent, honest, and vulnerable get a lot out of treatment. For therapy to work well, full participation is a must.

Talking can help –

Many people spend years trying to make it on their own. Research has shown that the average person had onset of symptoms 11 years before reaching out for help. Reading, talking to friends and family, getting a new exercise routine, and working on sleep hygiene were all done in an effort to help. While these are all great things, talking to a therapist really can help. Therapy gives you a safe space to speak freely and process your emotions. It is the therapist's job to listen, and while they are listening, they are looking for patterns in how your mind works to give tools, provide insight, and help make it work better. Talking about your feelings is simply part of the process.

Therapy is not about changing others in your life –

Very true! And in therapy, you will learn this. Some people come to therapy wishing and wanting others to change, which can be a usual way to think and a heck of a lot easier, right? However, you will learn that therapy improves your thinking. It will help you to understand patterns, gain insight, and take accountability. It truly is a process for you and your personal and emotional growth. Nobody is changing, but you!

Therapy is not forever –

Therapy is not a forever process. On my initial consultation call, I am already thinking about the life you want to be living outside of therapy. A good therapist will have this goal in mind. I want you in therapy and out of therapy, as soon as we see fit, and living your best life. Pick a therapist with a therapy style that gives you the results you are looking for, and remember it can take time but does not need to be forever.

I hope these five truths were helpful. Finding the right therapist and knowing what to expect can help set you up for success. If you still need help to find the right therapist in Ogden, UT, please reach out. You do not have to do this alone. Feel free to call me at (385) 240-0689 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I'd be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with patterns that keep you stuck, you can read more about how I can help with Brainspotting.


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