Therapy Intensives in Utah
Customized, Immediate Support For Individuals
Therapy Intensives Ogden, Utah
The traditional model of weekly psychotherapy is shifting to meet your needs. Now more than ever, we all need flexibility in how we get support, me included.
Intensives are personalized treatment plans. They are designed to support your preferred schedule and timeline for your treatment goals. You’ll have more time with me, up to three or so hours in one sitting, which in the long run can decrease the amount of time in therapy. It can be a win-win - we get to hang out for a longer period of time and you get to feel better and different in a potentially shorter amount of time.
EMDR, Brainspotting, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Intensive Therapy might be for you if:
Adjunct Therapy
You’ve had a felt sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift all the way into a new experience of yourself with your current therapist. Maybe you now cognitively understand new things, yet your body is still confused, so you’re curious about how intensive therapy can help as you work with your primary talk therapist.
Working Intensively
You’ve been meaning to get into weekly therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been so hectic and demanding that a weekly therapy appointment feels more overwhelming than supportive. Or you might be someone who just prefers to work intensively. Nothing wrong with that.
Therapy Intensives
You’re needing help —- and a lot of it—- right now, and you don’t want to spend months in the traditional weekly model of therapy treatment to feel better. Accelerated EMDR Therapy or Brainspotting Therapy can address symptoms sooner and allow for fewer sessions overall so you can move on to the more important thing of living.
Example Schedule A
Monday - 9:00 am and 1:30 pm
Wednesday - 9:00 am and 1:30 pm
Friday - 9:00 am and 1: 30 pm
Monday - 9:00 am and 1:30 pm
Wednesday - 9:00 am and 1:30 pm
*We can split it into two 90-minute sessions a day or join together for a straight three hours with a five or 10 minute break.
Example Schedule B
Tuesday - 9:30am and 1:15pm
(every week for 5 weeks)
*Scheduling can vary, but generally all sessions are booked within 2 to 4 weeks. And tend to be the same day and time. Easier to schedule and plan for.
EMDR Therapy and Brainspotting Therapy are not just for trauma; they are also used for performance enhancement to excel in areas such as athletics, business, and relationships. read more about EMDR, Brainspotting and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and other areas they help such as anxiety and depression.
Diving Deeper Into The Benefits Of Therapy Intensives in Ogden, Utah
Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in patients with PTSD, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar, or even better results, while reducing the risk that patients drop out prematurely. Learn more here and here.
An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD. Learn more here.
The economy is compelling. Even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time. Typical sessions look like checking in at the beginning of each session, addressing current concerns, focusing on resourcing and coping skills, and making sure we have enough time, in the end, to feel grounded before going off into the world. This sometimes leaves little time to process trauma. When we have a few hours together it increases the resourcing, processing, and healing which in the long run can decrease cost and decrease time in therapy. Learn more here.
Feel grounded.
Feel Connected.
Make Steps Towards wellbeing.
Your EMDR, Brainspotting, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapy Intensive In Utah Includes:
Pre-consultation interview to assess for candidacy, as well as target unpleasant beliefs, body sensations, emotions, or images from which you are seeking relief.
Personalized treatment workbook, which allows you to work on your treatment goals before, during, and after our therapy intensive.
A customized treatment program with targeted treatment goals.
Post-treatment interview to assess and support your adaption to positive changes from treatment.
I support clients who are physically in Utah in Three ways:
Adjunct intensive therapy (4-12 intensive sessions) in collaboration with your primary talk therapist.
Personalized treatment programs for individuals. Personalized treatments (called intensives) are half-day to multi-day programs that include a customized client workbook specific to your goals. Some individuals do one intensive while others do more until they meet their goals.
Personalized treatment programs for working intensively. This can look like three-hour sessions until your goals are met. Think Example Schedule B.
Therapy Intensive Program
Working Intensively
Weekday Availability
10 sessions x 90 minutes in length (or three hours) over five weeks.
Personal treatment workbook
Total cost: $4,250
Three Day Weekday Therapy Intensive
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
90-minute pre-interview
3 half-day intensives (9 hours total)
90-minute post follow up
Personal treatment workbook
Total cost: $3,500
Weekend Therapy Intensive
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
90-minute pre-interview
3 half-day intensives (9 hours total)
90-minute post follow up
Personal treatment workbook
Total cost: $5,250
Working Differently With Therapy Intensives
As a trauma therapist and counselor in Ogden, Utah I am here to help you on your journey in a different way. If you are interested in therapy intensives or working intensively call or text today for a free 15-minute consultation at (385) 240-0689.