Questions to ask a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Ogden, UT


You've been looking for a therapist in Ogden, and you finally have a few therapists you want to call. They offer free consultations, which is excellent, but now what? It can be nerve-wracking to pick up the phone, call a complete stranger, tell them how you feel, and ask for help. That is definitely not the easiest thing in the world if you ask me. Plus, what are you even supposed to ask when you are nervous and unsure. The following is a list of questions to help you find the right therapist for you in Ogden or Utah, or wherever you are looking.

Key Questions to Ask a Therapist in Ogden

1 – What is your experience working with people who have the problems or symptoms I am currently describing?

Finding a therapist who is skilled in the area you are calling about is essential. I like to think about it in this way. If I need an oil change, I will not take my car to the tire shop. Different things require different types of help. A therapist who can help you with the problems and symptoms will provide specific examples of how they treat your symptoms and a course of treatment. A reputable therapist will also refer out if they do not specialize in working with the problems you face. For instance, I have minimal experience working with eating disorders, so I would refer out. It's also important to look at the therapist's website to gather more information on how they can help you and your needs.

2 – What is your approach to therapy, and how can you help me?

Finding the right fit for the problems you face is essential to heal and to move forward. Therapists specialize in different things ranging from cognitive approaches to brain-body approaches, exposure therapy, and so forth. Knowing the lens a therapist works from can help you understand if they can help you. Very few therapists just sit and nod these days. Some therapists are interactive, specialize, or are certified in a technique, are creative in the therapy room, or might give homework. The therapist's therapy approach will provide you with an idea of what therapy sessions will be like.  

3 – How long have you been in practice? What is your license?

Asking this question will give you a good idea of what the therapist's experience is. It will also give you educational background on if someone studied social work, mental health counseling, or marriage and family studies. Your therapist should be licensed or in the process of getting a license (an intern). If your therapist is an intern, they have less experience but are supervised by a licensed clinician.

4 – How much do sessions cost? Are you in-network with my insurance? Or can you provide a superbill for out-of-network?

Knowing your budget and how much you can spend on therapy is an important part of the process. To find a therapist in Ogden, you might need to pay out-of-pocket or see if your insurance can reimburse you. Knowing your insurance benefits, whether in-network or out-of-network and how much you can spend on therapy will help you prepare. If you are going to use out-of-network services, make sure the therapist can provide a superbill, which some therapists do, and some do not. Therapy can improve your life and is an important investment. Know your numbers for out-of-pocket, and if trying to use insurance, know what your in-network and out-of-network benefits are beforehand.

5 – What is your experience working with people of my cultural or ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religious practice?

Every person deserves to feel seen and heard in the therapy room. However, not all therapists have experience with every population. If an aspect of your identity will come up in therapy, it is essential to communicate this on the consultation call. It is vital to find a therapist that understands your experience. If you feel the therapist will not be a good fit due to them not understanding your identity for whatever reason, they should have referrals to therapists that are a better fit for you.

6 – What availability do you have, and when can I start?

If you need a therapist right away, it is essential to know the therapist's availability. They might be able to get you in that week or be a month or two out. If it is the right fit, you might be willing to wait. By asking this question, you can plan your schedule, know if it will work for you, and begin to set a time for regular weekly sessions.

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Ogden. If you are still feeling stuck, please call me at (385) 240-0689 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I'd be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety or trauma, you can read more about how I can help.


FAQs about counseling, therapy, and psychotherapy in Ogden, UT


Finding a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Ogden, UT