FAQs about counseling, therapy, and psychotherapy in Ogden, UT


So, you found a few therapists in Ogden, UT, that seemed nice enough. You had consultation calls, and you landed on someone who might be a good fit. You are ready to leap but just one problem. You have a ton of questions- not only about the first session but moving forward. That is completely normal. Therapy can feel weird and mysterious if you’ve never done it. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that I receive.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What should I expect from the first few sessions?

First and foremost, it’s important to know that the first session is uncomfortable and sometimes the second. It’s almost like a blind date. You don’t know the therapist yet. The therapist doesn’t know you. You hope it’s a good fit, but you are worried it might not be. You are not sure what to say or even what to wear. This is totally normal. Often, therapists feel anxious, as well. At least I do! I recommend testing out a therapist for three sessions unless you absolutely think it is not a good fit after the first. I know many people that ended up loving their therapist, even though after the first session, they were hesitant.

2. Do you think I am crazy? I feel crazy.

Honestly, if you are “crazy,” then we therapists are “crazy” too! Therapists happen to be big proponents of counseling, and good therapists have spent many hours doing their own therapy. A good counselor sees clients as courageous, brave, and honored to work with and spend time with their clients. Plus, most things you think are “crazy” have been heard before and most likely have an explanation. Therapists have heard it all!

3. Can you just give me the answer?

I know, wouldn’t that be easy! Most therapists believe it is important for you to figure out the “why” and give you tools to figure out your “what” in life. It is important to have goals in therapy and be working toward those goals. A therapist's job is to help you learn and cope the best for you so you can manage, grow, and pursue the life you want outside the therapy room. If a therapist gave you all the answers, you might not expand and progress the way you want.

4. How long will therapy take?

Each individual is different. However, weekly therapy has been shown to have the steepest recovery rate. Research also shows that at about six months, 20 sessions, many clients begin to feel better and different, and some achieve complete symptom remission. Some clients might need longer-term therapy, like a year to 18 months, to achieve the same results.

5. What’s important for me to know about therapy?

Ultimately, it is important to feel like you are being seen, heard, and understood by your therapist. You might not agree with everything your counselor says or does – therapy can often be an uncomfortable process – but it’s important that you feel respected and know that you can speak up about what is helpful and what might not be during your session. This is important, so your therapist can adjust to help you find hope, growth, and healing. What works for one client might not work for another. Therapists are human and don’t know everything. Feedback is your friend!

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Ogden. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (385) 240-0689 for a free 15-minute phone consultation or schedule an appointment here. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with trauma, you can read more about how I can help.


What to expect from counseling, therapy, or psychotherapy in Ogden, UT


Questions to ask a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Ogden, UT