What to expect from counseling, therapy, or psychotherapy in Ogden, UT


Ogden, UT, has many perks. Even with the good hard times can happen. Finding a therapist to help with mental wellness can be a significant benefit. So you took the step. You did the research and found a therapist in Ogden. Your first appointment is scheduled – which is excellent news! Just one thing – you don’t know what to expect from counseling. You still have a few questions, and you are unsure what three, six, or nine months out will look like. That is entirely normal. Here are a few things that I tell loved ones to expect from therapy.

  1. Things tend to get hard before they get easy –

Therapy can bring up many different experiences with many different emotions. Therapy is a process, and it can take time to get through the mud to get to the other side. However, it does happen. In the meantime, learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

2. Therapy is not a linear process –

I wish I could say that therapy is a straight line. It looks more like a twisted roller coaster. Once again, it is a process. If you have found a supportive therapist and a therapist who can help you with your specific needs, the process will move forward, and you will learn to ride the ups and downs.

3. You might want to bolt at around the third or fourth session  –

Naturally, the urge to bolt and flee is high at around the third or fourth session. It can even happen around the fifth for some people. You have become vulnerable, and you feel split open. You might feel shame and embarrassment for what has been discussed, and the only way to manage the feelings is not to come back. Remember the above; learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. This is a great time to bring in self-compassion and know you are doing hard, great work. Remember the commitment to yourself and that your therapist is there to help you.

4. You might think things are “fine” after three to four sessions –

On the flip side to bolting, many individuals might feel “fine” and are unsure what to even talk about. They purged all the emotions, emotions that have been stored inside for a long time, and now feel things have changed. This is also normal, and some individuals might not know what to do from here or what else to share. I like to think about it in the way of peeling back an onion, getting to the core, and giving clients skills and symptom relief. This takes time as we are working towards a more integrated person. 

5. Therapy is not chit-chatting –

Make sure you have a clear goal, and you are working towards it. You are going to a professional for help. You want to utilize the sessions as best as possible. If you are just going in and giving updates, you might not get the results you want. It is vital that you and your therapist are clear on a goal, move towards that goal, and have outcome conversations that help you see your progress. Yes, you need to have a relationship with your therapist, but if it feels directionless, things need to be re-focused.

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Ogden, UT. If you are still unsure how to move forward or what you need, please call me at (385) 240-0689 for a free 15-minute phone consultation or head over to the contact page. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person or see if we are a good fit.


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FAQs about counseling, therapy, and psychotherapy in Ogden, UT