PTSD Treatment Can Help You Make Peace With Your Past

You have been thinking about connecting with a therapist in Ogden Utah. You have been preparing by looking at the things you are struggling with and beginning to read about different types of therapists and therapies. You recently have read about PTSD and know you have experienced different traumas in your life. However, you are unsure if finding a trauma counselor is the best move or if any counselor will do.

What does a trauma therapist in Ogden Utah offer?

Trauma counseling offers a safe space for you to be vulnerable, feel heard and seen, and find compassion and understanding for your troubles. Most importantly, I want you to know you’re not broken, and there’s nothing “wrong” with you. Everything you’re feeling is normal. Therapy offers the perfect place for you to find validation for your struggles and encouragement in your desire to move forward.

In sessions, I will educate you on the brain and its neurobiology so you can understand that how you feel is not your fault, but simply the truth of how our brains work (but I promise it won’t get too technical!) What’s more, my approach is anything but intimidating. I like to laugh and normalize the issues at hand so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Additionally, you’ll learn grounding techniques and skills for calming your nervous system.

What therapeutic approaches do I use -

My approach relies heavily on a treatment called Brainspotting. With Brainspotting, we stimulate your senses of sound and sight to access the deeper, emotional part of your brain, where trauma is stored. This is done through visual concentration exercises that allow you to healthily process your memories and release negative emotions. While talk therapy helps engage your “thinking brain,” Brainspotting integrates the mind and body by accessing the “feeling brain,” which is where traumatic distress lies. Even if our thoughts don’t confront unpleasant memories, those memories can still negatively impact how we feel. By changing how you feel, Brainspotting can change how you react to trauma and empower you to live joyfully in spite of your past.

I also utilize Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a form of therapy that operates similarly to Brainspotting. EMDR uses audio and visual stimulation techniques—such as hand-tapping and side-to-side eye movements—to change how the brain responds to distress signals.

I also incorporate mindfulness therapy, which seeks to heal PTSD through meditation and present-moment techniques. All of these approaches are rooted in the body’s natural healing capacities.

In the last year, I have been training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. I have completed Phase 1 - Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the treatment of trauma. This therapeutic approach utilizes the body as a source of information. The body is also utilized as a target for intervention to help release trauma that has been stored in the body.

By working with your brain and body, advocacy for your needs will come more naturally. You will probably find it easier to form healthy relationships and connections. Boundaries will be something communicated and the need to “give all” will be more balanced. You will begin to see changes in your sleep and in the way you treat yourself through nutrition and exercise. You will realize the mental fog has lifted and you can live, love, and laugh more freely.

You may have some concerns about PTSD treatment

Will trauma counseling make me feel worse?

Look at it this way: if you’re already dealing with PTSD, therapy can only help. After all, you’re not going to heal if you continue to struggle alone. With me, you’ll learn clinically-proven, research-driven methods for reducing your symptoms. And I promise you won’t have to relive traumatic experiences; Brainspotting therapy, EMDR therapy, and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy change the way your brain and body responds to traumatic memories, without you having to re-experience them.

I don’t want people to think something’s wrong with me.

I understand the fear of going to therapy for such delicate issues. However, my sessions are 100 percent confidential. If you’ve never told anyone about your traumatic experience before, that’s OK. Many people haven’t. In our sessions, I will ensure you feel validated in what you’re going through. And no matter your struggles, you can rest assured there’s nothing wrong with you.

I don’t have the time or money for PTSD Counseling.

PTSD treatment is an investment like any other, but it’s arguably the most important one you can make. After all, the effects of trauma usually get worse over time. How can you get to a place of contentment in life if you’re always stuck in the same negative cycles day after day? In order to move forward in life and make the most of your time and money, sometimes you have to make an investment in your future.

You Can Find Healing From Your Trauma

Many clients come to me because their patterns are impacting their relationships and life in ways that leave them feeling more alone. Things can be different. As a counselor in Ogden Utah, I am here to help. You can connect with me through the contact form. At the moment, due to COVID-19, I offer both telehealth and in-person therapy. I will do whichever option feels best for you. I look forward to connecting with you.


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